
Friday, January 31, 2014

Mary Kay and Scentsy Love!

One of the brightest things to come out of our losses is the friendships I've gained with the women I've met. I wish we all could have found each other some other way but I'm glad that I have them in my life.

One of those sweet ladies is my friend Ashton. Recently she's dived into the world of Mary Kay! She has been so extremely supportive but it took me by complete surprise when she offered to have a fundraiser for us! Starting tomorrow (February 1st) through the end of the month, a portion of her profits will be donated to our adoption fund! If you are a Mary Kay fan (or know someone who is, Valentine's Day is coming!!!), please head on over to her page.

I was completely blown away by Ash's offer. We talked about it for a few months until just a few days ago, she posted about it on her Facebook page. She shared a little about both of our journeys as well as the plan for February. Shortly after sharing, a friend of hers, a complete stranger to me, got in contact with her. Meredith is a Scentsy consultant. She has also offered to donate a portion of her profits from the entire month of February to our adoption fund!! Please like her on Facebook. You can visit and purchase from the "Maddie Sanford" party. (If your concerned that you're not in the correct party, at the top of your screen, you should see an arrow. Click on the arrow. Next to my name you can click on "Shop!")

Thank you again so much ladies for your donations! Thank you also to each one of you that are keeping up with our story and shopping. It's appreciated so much more than you know!! :)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hi, I'm Maddie and I Have an Addiction.

Before our fourth loss, I was on a healthier living kick. I lost about 35 pounds. During the pregnancy, I wasn't allowed to work out. Most foods I had been eating, made me completely sick to my stomach. After the loss, quick and easy foods were usually not the foods I should have been eating either. So, I gained some of that weight back. As we got back closer to the holidays and moving, I was determined NOT to continue to gain more weight back. While I was trying to find the best way to stay accountable over the holidays, a friend shared a dietbet with me. It began Thanksgiving and ended Christmas. 

So, I signed up, I paid my $20, and I weighed in. I had never done one so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I tracked my weight over the four weeks and did my very best. The best part, I WON! I won $51.38!! Woo! When I woke up to the e-mail saying I won, that was it. I was addicted. I immediately needed another one. 

Jess and Ash are now hosting a New Year Bet. This bet is $25 and currently the pot is up to $1200. You're betting that you can lose 4% of YOUR body weight. ALL of the winners split the pot. The final weigh in is January 30th-31st. It started this morning but you can still join. Please feel free to come join us!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello 2014!

Happy New Year!

I can't believe it's already 2014! It seems like it was just January 2013! 2013 definitely had it's ups and downs for us but overall, it was a great year for us. :) We're hopeful for another wonderful 365 days.

Several years back, a blogger that I followed had a list of 365 things she wished to accomplish the next year. It wasn't necessarily one a day, just 365 over the the next year. I'm a huge list person, so I thought it was awesome. Every year since then, I've wanted to do the same. Every year, I've failed at making the list or half way through the year, I forget my list. Then toward the end of that year, I recycle a lot of my list and try to come up with the rest of my 365 goals. This year, I have my list. (On time!) For the most part, my goals seem pretty attainable. There's a few that will make me really push myself but what would be the fun if they were ALL super easy?

My goals (I actually ended up with 400. The extras ended up being really easy now that we're home owners and there's a decent list of little things we want to do this year to the house.) are typed and ready to go. They are totally random. Some are house related, quite a few are adoption related. Some will push me to be more involved in my community while others will hopefully keep me much more active. I have goals that I hope will make me a more loving wife and friend. They are all over the place. I'd love to get them ALL accomplished but thinking back over my history with this list, to stay realistic, I'm hoping to at least get half of them done.

Do you have any goals for this year?